About Roseville Weight Loss Clinic

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At Roseville Weight Loss Clinic, our supervised weight loss program is not just about losing weight. It is about monitoring progress to ensure that you also maintain good overall health. Our weight loss program is a proven safe and effective all-natural solution for long-term weight loss and management. Our experienced team helps you achieve real results through the use of our herbal blend that is designed to burn irregular toxic fats while maintaining lean muscle tissue. By following a specific diet and using nutraceutical drops we prescribe for you based off of our assessment at your free consultation, we help to stimulate your metabolism and reset it. Resetting your metabolism plays a key role in helping you lose the weight and keep your body in shape!
Experienced Weight Loss Professionals!
Our Weight Loss Medical Expert
Dr. Brian Van Wagenen has training far beyond most chiropractors. Using a whole-body approach, he helps people find relief from pain, increased energy, proper digestion, allergy elimination, immune system optimization, hormonal balance, and wellness for life.
In addition to providing high quality chiropractic adjustments, Dr. Brian uses applied kinesiology muscle testing to determine weaknesses and total body functionality, as well as hormone therapy management and nutritional counseling to aid in overall health.
Dr. Brian often treats patients who have not had good success with other chiropractors, as well as those who have had some success but have hit a roadblock and can’t fully progress to wellness. Using his training, he uncovers underlying conditions that most people don’t even know were contributing to their pain or other problems, such as indigestion, liver, gallbladder, or other immune compromising functional problems.
Dr. Brian is a graduate of the Texas College of Chiropractic and is a Board Certified Nutritionist. His focus of study included Applied Kinesiology and treating challenging problems with his expertise and the many therapies he has to reduce inflammation in his office. Dr. Brian has completed thousands of hours of training in various techniques, including Applied Kinesiology, Diversified Technique, Sacro-Occipital Technique, Neuro-Emotional Technique, Nutritional Response Testing, Total Body Modification, Activator, Percussion, and others. You may not know what all of these things are, but Dr. Brian will take the time to explain each technique as he determines your individual needs and develops your treatment plan.
Dr. Brian has been practicing since 1994. During this time, he’s successfully treated hundreds of patients with acute or chronic chiropractic, musculoskeletal, nutritional and hormonal conditions. Dr. Brian loves helping people with challenging problems who haven’t found success elsewhere
Personal (In His Own Words)
I was born and raised in Clovis, California where I spent the first 19 years of my life.
At 19, I served a two-year mission for my church in the North of England. Then I went to Brigham Young University where I met my wife Val; who I have been married to for almost 33 years. I then finished my undergraduate studies at Fresno State University, before going to Texas Chiropractic College. My wife and I have seven outrageously lovable children and their names are Jon(30), Lauren(28), Jamie(26), Mckenzie(23), Jake(20), Michael(18), and Julia(13). We love to spend time together. Our only child left at home is Julia, but we have replaced our kids that have moved out with dogs. We have 2 goldendoodles and a full size poodle and a schnauzer. In our free time we find joy spending time at the lake, watching movies, and going on trips together. I have many projects around the house and enjoy fixing things, exercise, and hangin with my dogs
MY FIRST EXPOSURE TO CHIROPRACTIC came early in my life when I suffered extreme pain due to an accident. At the time, there was little known as how to handle this type of problem. My Uncles were medical doctors and prescribed pain pills and this worked for a while. The pain soon returned worse than before and so my dad suggested I visit a Kinesiology chiropractor since he had been helped in the past. My M.D. uncles were skeptical of me going to a Kinesiologist chiropractor but my dad’s love and experience prevailed. The first treatment relieved so much of my pain I just simply couldn’t believe it. And with every treatment I felt better and better and a sense of joy increased with every visit. This aroused deep within me a profound urge to help others!
I chose to devote my life to natural healing because it’s exhilarating to watch the body heal itself-mine or someone else’s body! I TRULY BELIEVE THE BODY HAS GREAT POWER TO HEAL ABOUT ANYTHING IF THE STUMBLING BLOCKS ARE PROPERLY REMOVED. I am grateful I chose this profession because I have passion that continues to grow each day when working with patients who are committed to the healing process and becoming truly healthy. I love to educate and inspire patients to strive for and achieve optimal health. I HAVE COMPLETE FAITH IN THE PRINCIPLES OF ALTERNATIVE HEALING AND KNOW THAT OUR BODIES HAVE UNLIMITED CAPACITY TO IMPROVE AND HEAL THEMSELVES
I BELIEVE WITH ALL MY HEART IN HOW I PRACTICE AND ALWAYS STRIVE TO IMPROVE IT. I love to see people get well and the advancements I see everyday. I hope to be able to help you and your family and friends
In 2007 after 13 years in Austin Texas I moved to Roseville 14 years ago to be closer to family, and the recreational things this area has to offer. I have loved this area and my practice has been much like family to me. You grow to love the people and the patients you care for. I look forward to getting to know you and gaining your trust
MY DESIRE FOR MY OFFICE IS TO HELP AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE GET WELL AND STAY WELL. What seems to make my practice unique is that I use nearly every available cutting edge technique. I attend a lot of post graduate courses each year (i.e.opproximately 70-100 hours per year) in every part of the country learning the latest techniques in healing the body. MY PERSONAL PROMISE TO YOU IS THAT I WILL GIVE YOU MY 110% IN YOUR PROCESS OF HEALING AND GIVE YOU MY BEST ATTENTION IN HELPING YOU ACHIEVE OPTIMUM WELLNESS SO YOU CAN FEEL GREAT AND HELP THOSE AROUND YOU FEEL BETTER TOO. No problem is too big. If you are willing to participate, I love a challenge.